Strategic Decision Making for Programme Delivery Capability.

Research by Dr Siavash Alimadadi

With the support of Professor Andrew Davies

University of Sussex


The general aim of this research is to contribute to both research and practice by exploring how programme delivery capabilities are created. More specifically, this research aims to understand (and to improve) the processes of strategic decision making and organising at the early stages of large-scale infrastructure projects.

One of the main strategic outcome of this organizing phase is establishing what the project is to achieve and how, then to flesh out a holistic proposal to be negotiated and scrutinized to eventually reach closure and final agreement.

This research project aims to investigate following questions:

  • How are joint understandings and expectations achieved between different various partners? How is the programming set up to ensure the required processes are in place?

  • How are various requirements translated to realisable course of action?

An academic paper is currently in review prior to publication with the journal Strategic Organization, for their special issue on “Temporal Work: The Strategic Organization of Time”.



*The Emergence of Good Governance in Major Projects.


*An Investigation into Robust Project Assurance.